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How Remote Monitoring Can Save Your Business

Vice President, CC&N [Guest blogger]

Topics: Construction Transportation Manufacturing

Mississippi CSA Reporting Falling Behind

Associate Vice President, HNI

CSA promised to provide an unprecedented dose of transparency and accountability to the transportation industry.  But this isn’t possible if CSA scores aren’t accurately reported.

Topics: Transportation

The Right to Bear Arms...At Work

Compliance Attorney, HNI

Topics: Construction Transportation Safety / Compliance Manufacturing HR / Employee Benefits

Being a Business Owner is Not a Job

Topics: Construction Transportation Leadership / Strategy Manufacturing

Using Health Plan Benchmarking Data to Forecast the Future [Video]

With the costs of health care continuously rising, employers need to arm themselves with the facts. The trends that emerge from benchmarking data are our only hope for predicting and planning for the future of health care.

Topics: Construction Transportation Manufacturing HR / Employee Benefits

Which Way to the Endzone?

On the football field, it’s pretty easy to know where you stand. The great quarterbacks — Manning, Brady, Favre — seem to have an internal clock, a rhythm for the game. They just know when the 30-second clock is about to run out.  The rest of us can look up to the scoreboard to see a quick summary of the game — the score, the time remaining, the play clock. 

Topics: Construction Transportation Manufacturing

What's YOUR endgame?

Senior Advisor

In chess, “endgame” refers to the final moves of the game when only a few pieces are left on the board. It’s a critical point in the game; one wrong move can end it all. As a result, endgame strategies are often quite different than strategies used in earlier parts of the game. The trick is knowing when the endgame is about to begin. The very best chess players anticipate it. They plan for it.

Topics: Construction Transportation Leadership / Strategy Manufacturing

Truck Drivers, We Salute You

From the Entire HNI Team

Topics: Transportation

COBRA Subsidy Expires

Compliance Attorney, HNI

Beginning in March 2009, employees who were involuntarily terminated could qualify for a 65% federal subsidy toward the cost of COBRA premiums.  As unemployment rates continued to climb, for some unemployed individuals and their families, the subsidy made COBRA premiums affordable for many who might have chosen to go without health insurance.

Topics: Construction Transportation Manufacturing HR / Employee Benefits

Succession Planning: A Preview of our Upcoming Workshop

If you're a business leader, it may seem impossible to imagine your last day driving the operations of your company. But if a big change took place tomorrow, would you be prepared?  How would your company respond if something happened and you couldn't show up?  Can your company survive without YOU?

Topics: Construction Transportation Leadership / Strategy Manufacturing