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The Importance of Corporate Culture: A Tale of Two Companies

HNI Wisconsin President

Corporate cultures are changing and evolving — that is an unavoidable fact. The variable is who will shape, lead, and manage that change. The importance of corporate culture comes into focus as a new leader takes the helm.

Topics: Construction Transportation Manufacturing HR / Employee Benefits

Does HIPPA apply to animals? Medical Privacy for Animals

HNI Compliance Advisor

Like people, pets also benefit from regular visits to health care professionals. Veterinarians and other animal health specialists make sure your "fur babies" are properly vaccinated and in prime shape for walks, silly tricks, and good,
Topics: HR / Employee Benefits

Don’t Forget the WHY in Benefits Communication

HNI Marketing Director

It’s that time of the year again: open enrollment. Time to dust off the ol' PowerPoint and try to get people jazzed about their benefits. But that trusty slide deck you’ve re-purposed may leave out an important element you need to get across to employees — WHY your company is offering benefits in the first place.

Topics: Construction Transportation Manufacturing HR / Employee Benefits

Expect Big Impact on Work Comp from Obesity Classification

HNI Senior Claims Consultant

The reclassification this summer by the American Medical Association of obesity as “a disease state” effectively declared that one-third of all Americans has a medical condition requiring treatment. The obesity classification will have a tremendous impact on health insurers and workers compensation insurers alike.

Topics: Construction Transportation Safety / Compliance Manufacturing HR / Employee Benefits

Let’s Get Real About Open Enrollment

HNI Marketing Director

In most companies, open enrollment is the time of the year when any and all communication about benefits and wellness gets dropped on employees like a bomb.  It’s not the time of the year that most look forward to.

Topics: Construction Transportation Manufacturing HR / Employee Benefits

4 Common Mistakes When Training Employees [And 4 Best Practices]

Part of being a hiring manager or supervisor is training employees. Too often, though, training employees fall short of expectations. Trainers are disappointed because their trainee "just doesn't get it." Trainees are disappointed because their trainers went too fast, assumed too much about previous knowledge, or didn't listen to their questions. 

Topics: Construction Transportation Manufacturing HR / Employee Benefits

Demonstrating Wellness Program ROI

HNI Health Care Consultant

Wellness programs have become prevalent in mid-sized to large organizations and are a critical component of strategies to improve the long-term health of your population. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, 74% of employers who offer health benefits now have a wellness program.
Topics: Construction Transportation Manufacturing HR / Employee Benefits

FSA "Use It or Lose It' Rule Goes Away

HNI Compliance Advisor

Rules have changed regarding the "use it or lose it" rule for health care flexible spending accounts.

Topics: Construction Transportation Manufacturing HR / Employee Benefits

How to Help Employees Navigate Obamacare

HNI Account Executive

No matter what your opinion on
Topics: Construction Transportation Manufacturing HR / Employee Benefits

Employee Risk Management: What It Is and Why It Matters

HNI Wisconsin President

Top-level executives take risk management very seriously. Survival is at stake. As CEO, it’s tough to point the finger at anyone else when shareholder value is eroded, a brand is damaged, or catastrophic loss occurs.

Topics: Construction Transportation Manufacturing HR / Employee Benefits