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Mike Natalizio

Recent Posts by Mike Natalizio:

Audit YOUR Employee Engagement

While organizations vary greatly in how they define the term “employee engagement,” there is little doubt that companies of all sizes and across all industries value it tremendously.  Whatever the definition used, employee engagement essentially boils down to the extent to which people are willing to give their “all” for the company.  

Topics: Construction Transportation Manufacturing HR / Employee Benefits

Is anyone really listening? Voice your opinion on the HOS proposal!


Topics: Transportation

34-hour Restart may Negatively Impact Highway Safety

Associate Vice President, HNI

Topics: Transportation

Workplace Environment Impacts Engagement

In 2010, Michelle Obama, announced ‘The White House Forum of Workplace Flexibility,’ a forum that promotes workplace environment where American citizens can meet the demands of their jobs without sacrificing their family lifestyles.  In the current economic decline many employees have had the burden of increased responsibility, which plays alongside increase in stress and lack of time for personal endeavors. 

Topics: Construction Transportation Manufacturing HR / Employee Benefits

Construction Risk Transfer

Limiting your liability and controlling insurance costs is on on going challenge. Every time you enter into a new contract you're accepting certain risks whether you know it or not.  Each contract should be reviewed carefully to understand the extent of risk you are accepting.  Many contracts are negotiable when intended or ambiguous language exposes you to more risk than you're willing to accept. It is very common for companies to engage outside resources like their attorney or insurance advisor to ensure appropriate language is incorporated into the contract to protect their interests.  Having strong internal controls over your contracts will help you manage your insurance premiums and protect you from other business risks. Only after fully understanding your risks can you determine if entering into a contract is a good business decision.

Topics: Construction Leadership / Strategy

Not Another New Year's Resolution


Topics: Construction Transportation Manufacturing

Reducing Workers Compensation Costs

Topics: Construction Transportation Safety / Compliance Manufacturing

4 Trends in Workers Compensation

Topics: Construction Transportation Safety / Compliance Manufacturing

Creating a Culture of Employee Engagement

Successful organizations understand the importance of creating a culture of employee engagement. Effective employee engagement allows employees to feel fully involved, enthusiastic and more willing to contribute to company success. On the other hand, when employees are not engaged it can have negative repercussions on issues such as customer experience.

Topics: Construction Transportation Manufacturing HR / Employee Benefits

5 Steps to Better Employee Engagement

It’s common knowledge that fully engaged employees are more productive, cooperative and more likely to be long-term employees. Employee engagement can have a significant effect on company output and bottom-line of an organization. But the important factor is how employee engagement successfully achieved?

Topics: HR / Employee Benefits