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Who does this impact?

Establishments with 250 or more employees and establishments with 20-249 employees that are classified in certain industries with historically high rates of occupational injuries and illnesses will be required to submit the information off of the company’s 300A forms.
This information will be submitted via the OSHA Injury Tracking Application (ITA) webpage. Once the data has been received and processed, the information will then be made public.
Additionally, you will need to be prepared with your FEIN number as this is a requirement to submit data.
Step 1: Audit Your Logs
If you haven’t already, AUDIT YOUR LOGS. Since this data will be used to gauge your industry’s safety performance in almost real time, it’s very important that your information is accurate. Recording only the right events can be difficult at times. If you’re trying to decide if an event is recordable or not, use the tool at the bottom of this blog post.
Step 2: Submit Your Logs
Once you’re confident that your logs are accurate, it’s time to submit. Here’s a quick step by step on how to do that:
- Navigate to and launch the OSHA ITA portal. You can find this portal here
- Create an account by selecting the link above the log in box (if you haven’t already done so)
- Once an account has been created, and you have agreed with the terms and conditions, you will receive a confirmation email to the email address you supplied. Click the confirmation link on this email.
- Then return to the log in page and log back in. Once logging in you will be prompted to create a password. This will bring you to the ITA dash board.
- You will then need to decide if a manual upload or batch upload will work best for your organization and select the blue button that corresponds with your choice. Manual upload would be ideal for organizations with one or two establishments. Batch may be better if there are multiple establishments. (establishments are determined by physical addresses)
- If you choose manual, you will need to go through and create establishments for each location that has 20 or more employees and is not in a state-run OSHA program that has not adopted this final rule.
- Once you create and save the required establishments you will then be taken to the view establishment page. Once here, select the blue button that reads “Add 300A Summary"
- This selection brings you to the Add 300A Summary page. Enter in all the required information from your 2016 300A form and select save. This brings you back to the view establishments page
- Once on the view establishment page, review the data entered for accuracy. If accurate you can then select “Submit 300A Data” and you have successfully submitted your 300A information
- Selecting the batch upload button brings you to the Upload Batch File page. Locate the CSV template link under step 1 and open up the CSV template.
- Once you have opened the template you will then be able to populate your data off of the 2016 300A form. (Each line of the template is designated for a separate establishment that has 20 or more employees)
- Once your information has been audited for accuracy, save the document as a CSV formatted file.
- Go back to the Upload Batch File page, select choose file and select your saved CSV file, agree to the terms, and click upload. Once completed you have successfully uploaded your 300A information.
Again, only report what you have too. If you're unsure what to record, download the spreadsheet below for a comprehensive guide.