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Tyler Burke

Tyler Burke.pngIntroducing Tyler Burke - HNI Michigan's newest Relationship Manager. Tyler looks forward to de-risking business by thinking outside-of-the-box to find creative resolutions to wicked problems. 

What inspired you to make a career move to HNI?

I was looking for a new, exciting, and challenging career. After meeting the HNI team and learning about the culture, it was clear that this was the right move.

What were you most surprised to learn about HNI?

The non-conforming culture and company-wide creativity. 

How will you help clients de-risk their business?

I hope to become a trusted advisor to my clients and utilize the team here at HNI to offer one-of-a-kind creative answers to their wicked problems. 

What would people be surprised to learn about you?

When I was 10, I went to Space Camp in Cape Canaveral, FL.

What three words do you want others to use to describe you?

Helpful, motivated, creative. 


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