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Tony Phillips

Phillips, Tony.jpgMeet Tony Phillips - HNI Michigan's newest Relationship Manager. Tony looks forward to de-risking business by becoming as ingrained as possible in their risk.

What inspired you to make a career move to HNI?

Coming from a large international broker, I have always had a great amount of respect for the HNI team in Michigan and I was really excited to be a part of continuing to build what already was an outstanding office.

What were you most surprised to learn about HNI?

How young of an office Michigan is.

How do you plan to spend your mandatory 1 week unplug?

I will spend it with my family on the lake.

What would people be surprised to learn about you?

I scored a "hole-in-one" when I was 13... haven't had any luck since!

What three words do you want others to use to describe you?

Positive, passionate, caring. 

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