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Josh Dremsa

Dresma, Josh.jpgMeet Josh Dremsa - HNI Wisconsin's newest Accounting Specialist. Josh looks forward to de-risking business by holding teams accountable on the financial end and making sure he is efficient in account reconciliation to prevent unnecessary costs.

What inspired you to make a career move to HNI?

Seeing the pattern of growth and success, HNI caught my attention. Hearing how well they treat their employees, even working with my temporary schedule - I decided to become part of the HNI team.

What were you most surprised to learn about HNI?

With a great amount of staff, I saw that many had been celebrating anniversaries of 10+ years. This definitely demonstrated that those who work here are treated well, that HNI places great value in who they hire, and that they put a lot of effort into searching for a dedicated individual before hiring.

How do you plan to spend your mandatory 1 week unplug?

My wife and I are expecting, and I will be spending his first days in this world with him.

What would people be surprised to learn about you?

I marched in the 2011 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade as Captain of my Bass Drum Line. 

What three words do you want others to use to describe you?

Diligent, accountable, team-player.

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