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Jenny Martel

Martel, JennyBW-313554-edited.jpgWelcome Jenny Martel- HNI Wisconsin's newest Account Associate. Jenny looks forward to de-risking business by working with her team to assess clients' current benefits while also giving them the insight on how they can improve to make better business decisions and retain top-tier talent!

What inspired you to make a career move to HNI?

I was tired of having "just a job" and was ready to land somewhere that would allow me to build a strong career while also developing supportive, working relationships with my team. Having a place that you are eager to come to every day and working with people you truly enjoy is priceless. HNI checked the boxes on everything!

What were you most surprised to learn about HNI?

There is a committee dedicated to keep work fun... how awesome is that?!

How do you plan to spend your mandatory 1 week unplug?

I plan to take an extended trip up to Canada to visit family and do a little camping & hiking - with their guidance of course! 

What would people be surprised to learn about you?

My dad was born and raised in Quebec, making me half French Canadian. Je peux même parler un peu de français!

What three words do you want others to use to describe you?

Sociable, reliable, open-minded.

Must Read Career Moves

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