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Erik Hanson

Hanson, Erik.jpgMeet Erik Hanson - HNI Wisconsin's newest Safety Intern. Erik will be spending the summer working side-by-side with Kyle Meinert helping companies build their safety culture and conquer risk. 

What is your major at UW-Whitewater? Why did you choose this field?

I am studying Occupational Safety. I wanted to work in safety because I like helping people. Knowing that I have the ability to make sure people return home at the end of the day is a great feeling - it makes this work not only interesting, but fulfilling, as well.

What were you most surprised to learn about HNI?

How much we can/will do for clients. We don't just focus on insurance (worker's comp, etc) we share insights to dig out deep rooted problems and completely turn businesses around.

What's your major goal for this internship?

I want to gain as much knowledge and experience as possible. I want to get my hands dirty with revamping safety programs for our clients and really begin to understand how safety impacts each industry.

What would people be surprised to learn about you?

In high school, my football team made it to state. Sounds exciting right? It would have been, but my team lost by the most points in a state game ever with a final score of 45-0. 

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