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Connie McKeown

Connie McKeown.pngWelcome Connie McKeown- HNI Michigan's newest HR Risk Advisor. Connie looks forward to de-risking business by helping clients rate their current culture and compare it to where they want to be. Developing an understanding of how culture impacts people and people impact risk leads to clients learning how to truly change the game on their benefits. 

What inspired you to make a career move to HNI?

The ability to expand my HR service platform was important to me and HNI offers me the ability to do just that. The culture and vision that HNI carries matches with what I believe should be the direction for our clients. Helping clients see that get there is what I love to do!

What were you most surprised to learn about HNI?

I was pleasantly surprised to learn about how different HNI is and how it aligns with where I want to be. HNI is progressive and forward-thinking, which lead to their ability to help clients de-risk their business and grow. Definitely an industry shift for me.

How do you plan to spend your mandatory 1 week unplug?

I love riding my motorcycle. I plan to take off for the Michigan Waterfall Tour this summer.

What would people be surprised to learn about you?

Probably that I ride and have ridden my motorcycle in 16 states. I did a solo rode trip to Maine.

What three words do you want others to use to describe you?

Outgoing, positive, knowledgeable. 

Must Read Career Moves

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