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Brandon McMullen

Brandong McMullen.jpgMeet Brandon McMullen- HNI Wisconsin's newest Lead Support Analyst. Upon graduation, Brandon joined HNI as our Lead Support Analyst in our IT department. With previous experience stemming from working at his campus IT support desk and having a knack for working with computers, IT support seemed like a natural career choice. At HNI, he will be the go-to person for all IT related issues.

What inspired you to make a career move to HNI?

With it being my senior year of college at UW-Whitewater I had begun job searching for a full-time position. HNI immediately stood out to me with their job posting that didn't just discuss "requirements". This posting was a fun and interesting description of what my future could be and immediately I was intrigued. After seeing how cool their website was and a phone interview under my belt - I was hooked. 

What were you most surprised to learn about HNI?

This company definitely does things differently, and I had a sense of that before starting here. There's a ping-pong table in their employee lounge and everyone I work with is friendly and helpful. Needless to say, their culture rocks.

How do you plan to spend your mandatory 1 week unplug?

Currently, it's wide open for me - I don't have any concrete plans. But, I do have a penchant for all things sports, fishing, and fitness, so you'll likely find me doing one of these things. 

What's something interesting that others may not know about you?

I can juggle and I'm even into magic. Yes, smoke-and-mirrors, pulling-bunnies-out-of-hats magic. I've even seen a few magicians live. 

What's your favorite tech tool HNI provides it's employees?

I'm a big fan of Yammer (by Microsoft). I like how it creates a collaborative environment for employees to discuss ideas, ask questions, and even stay up-to-date between all four locations. 

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