Branding Benefits & Why Traditional Benefits Communication Falls Flat [A Recording of our 6.4.12 Event]

SPEAKERS: Harry Gottlieb, The Jellyvision Lab, Inc. & Mike Natalizio, CEO of HNI


  • Branding benefits programs
  • 10 ways to make benefits communication A LOT more engaging
  • Connecting benefits communication to your overall goals
  • Developing a brand identity around your benefits package
  • Real world examples of the best and the worst in employee benefits communication


There is widespread benefits bewilderment among most employee populationsPlan documents are confusing, and people aren't engaged in the health and wellness messages they're receiving.

It's time to change the game in benefits communication.  Whether you're rolling out a new plan or trying to get people more engaged in your current plan, this workshop will illuminate ways to dramatically improve your benefits communication, leaving employees smarter about their benefits and more appreciative of what they're getting from the company. 

Your people deserve effective communication, especially about something as important as employee benefits.  Through simple exercises and real-world examples, you will learn to banish confusion and apathy from open enrollment, excite new hires and shake things up at your company.