
Help Us Drive Change Through Education! [Call for Topics & Speakers]

Written by Andrea Tarrell | Tue, Oct 30,2012 @ 08:48 PM

Over the past year, we’ve held nearly 40 HNI University events both virtually and live in the Milwaukee, Chicago, and Grand Rapids areas. Our HNI University seminars are designed to be intensive learning experiences targeted toward business leaders, HR professionals, and risk managers.

We often get questions as to why we invest the time in putting on these events.  While they certainly require time and effort, HNI University represents our most important commitment: to drive change through the education of our clients, our industry, and ourselves. 

Businesses today operate in a more complicated environment than ever before. Ongoing education is essential to staying on top of the maze of governmental rules, regulations and emerging industry issues.  We hope that everyone who attends one of our HNI U events walks away inspired to spark change in their own organizations.

Help us select our 2013 calendar of events! 

We’re currently developing our 2013 calendar of events.  What problems would you like to see us cover in next year’s schedule?  Any speakers you’ve seen that you think might be a good fit?  Share your suggestions with us in comments!

Your input is vital to helping keep our content fresh and relevant! 

2012 HNI U: A Year in Review

We’ve covered a range of topics this year that relate to the business leaders that we work with.  Some of the topics we’ve hit in 2012 include: 

Executive Workshop Series


Risk Management Workshop Series

  • Worker’s Compensation Trends - Recording available!
  • Cyber Risk  - Recording available!
  • Safety Basics - Recording available!
  • Michigan Workers Compensation Changes 
  • FMCSA Safety Audit Requirements
  • Controlling Workers Compensation Pharmacy Costs 
  • Freight Broker Liability  - Recording available!


HR & Benefits Workshop Series

  • Benefits Benchmarking  – Slide deck available!
  • Health Care Exchanges Slide deck available!
  • Wellness Program Compliance
  • Health Care Reform  - Recording available!
  • Emerging Issues in HR - Recording available!
  • Branding Benefits - Recording available!
  • Benefits Captives
  • Managing HIPAA Compliance
  • Innovative Benefits Strategies - Recording available!
  • Wellness Strategies for Professional Drivers - Recording available! 

Again, any feedback or topic suggestions are much appreciated.  We hope you’ve found value in our HNI University workshop series this year and look forward to continuing to offer valuable content to you in 2013!