
Workplace Environment Impacts Engagement

Written by Mike Natalizio | Wed, Jan 05,2011 @ 04:00 PM

In 2010, Michelle Obama, announced ‘The White House Forum of Workplace Flexibility,’ a forum that promotes workplace environment where American citizens can meet the demands of their jobs without sacrificing their family lifestyles.  In the current economic decline many employees have had the burden of increased responsibility, which plays alongside increase in stress and lack of time for personal endeavors. 

In an article written by Pam Lassiter ‘2011 Employee Engagement: Why Workplace Flexibility Will Matter,” Lassiter identifies the importance of these initiatives and further outlines the importance of employee engagement.

According to Lassiter, in order for employers to create a flexible work environment with strong employee engagement, employers must consider the following: 


  • In order to get full employee engagement from remote employees it is important for the employee to have some time in the office to build trust and a relationship with other employees
  • Employee engagement comes from employees who are driven and have strong work ethic. 
  • Setting expectations of what flexible work program mean can help resolve misunderstandings down the line. For example, if you don’t want your employee running errands between 9-5, state that. 
  • Will your employee be fully engaged? What is their home office like? Will there be interruptions?
  • Stay in touch. Employee engagement comes from strong communication, encouragement, feedback, and relationship building. Don’t think out of sight, out of mind.

As you come into 2011 consider what your workplace will look like. For many companies the organization is fairly thin and the employees that managed to pull through are a valuable asset to your organization.   Go the extra mile to reward your dedicated hard working employees.

Download our free white paper on the connection between Employee Benefits and Employee Engagement.