
Creating a Culture of Employee Engagement

Written by Mike Natalizio | Mon, Dec 13,2010 @ 04:00 PM

Successful organizations understand the importance of creating a culture of employee engagement. Effective employee engagement allows employees to feel fully involved, enthusiastic and more willing to contribute to company success. On the other hand, when employees are not engaged it can have negative repercussions on issues such as customer experience.

The most effective way to increase employee engagement is to focus on creating a culture of engagement. But how and in what ways can companies create an employee engagement culture?

Improve communication

Good, consistent communication within an organization can be one of the most important things a company can do to foster a culture of effective employee engagement. Employees want to know how the organization is doing financially, how corporate goals are being accomplished and how what they do contributes to achieving corporate objectives.

Have a clearly articualted vision

All organizations should have a clear, well-defined company vision. Management is responsible for communicating this vision and keeping it in front of the employees. Employees should be able to recite the vision statement and be able to describe why the organization does what it does. If employees are emotionally attached to the vision, believe in what they do then they are more committed and loyal to an organization.

Involve all levels of the organization

Involving employees doesn't mean getting their say on confidential business issues, but it does include soliciting their feedback on workplace issues, processes or procedural changes that will impact on their work. The key to creating a successful culture of employee engagement is involving workers before certain changes and processes are implemented. When employees understand why things are being implemented and are involved to some extent in the improvement process and completion, you have a greater chance at creating sustainable change, a high level of trust, buy-in, and support, some of the key steps to better employee engagement.

Download our free white paper on Employee Engagement for more information.