
A Smarter Conversation... Changing the Game

Written by Mike Natalizio | Thu, Sep 30,2010 @ 03:48 AM

President & CEO, HNI

In Hugh MacLeod's recent post he does what he does best . . . launch a smarter conversation by asking the right questions. As the subject of his post, the questions he posed really got me thinking.  To date, we have been actively engaged in conversations about the need to "change the game" and challenge the status quo.  Perhaps we missed the point by not targeting the game we need to change?  Besides, what part of the game are we trying to change?

When most buyers of commercial insurance hear “change the game” a certain file in their mind opens.  It’s that file that reminds them of the dreaded process of reviewing insurance proposals and “working” agents and brokers to get the best deal they can.  A game indeed, and one that really adds little value to proposition.  Much has been written on this and most people have a certain opinion of that game.  But that’s only one part of the game we’re trying to change.  Yup, there is a much bigger change at hand.  One that can challenge the status quo of your organization.

Let’s start talking about that...