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Your Benefits Performance


June 21st  |  Harley-Davidson Museum  |  Milwaukee


Relive the Rally

Double-digit cost increases.  Decreasing benefits.  Lack of control.  If this is your employee benefits story, then we invite you to rally with us.      

All throughout the country, free-wheeling executives have been reduced to 'off-the-shelf' consumers, choosing between bundled benefits programs that don't satisfy the needs of their employees.  

But there is a way to break free.  

Trailblazer organizations are out-smarting the traditional model by using performance-driven strategies to engage their people and fuel results.  

This rally is for leaders that want to rev up their performance and become less dependent on insurance.  This rally is for you.   


The Thunder
Mike Natalizio 

Mike is an impassioned believer in performance everything.  Mike sees employee benefits as the ultimate tool to engage employees and fuel growth. 

Shawn Lanter  

Shawn thrives at delivering performance-driven benefits through self-funding and captive risk transfer.  

Scott Austin  

Scott has behind-the-scenes knowledge of Aurora's Accountable Care Network, including how it can help employers launch performance.


Kurt Janavitz 

Kurt has led healthcare innovation from almost every possible angle.  Performance is his mantra, and collaborative solutions his end game.   

Matt Shumlas  

Matt has high-revving market knowledge and a knack for developing strategies that stretch every dollar that employers spend.

Geoffrey Schick   
Executive Director, Business Health Care Group

Geoffrey is a benefits program guru.  Unphased by complexity, he's on a mission to deliver excellence.


Liz Palazzari  
Liz has a passion for delivering the best benefits possible.  With this as her motivation, she helped pioneer on-site care at Western States.


Doug Bergan  
VP of People, Goodwill NCW
Doug is a people-first leader at an organization that knows the importance of a good team.  He's a true benefits trailblazer, delivering ever-improving care to his team members.

Go For A Ride

What it means to be self-funded


Download the Rally Materials