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  • Jonathan Stringer, Sr Corporate Cargo Claims Attorney, Great West Casualty Company 


  • Shippers, receivers, and carriers engaged in transportation operations for food 
  • Risk Managers and Safety Managers


Changes are on the horizon for food safety regulations. Are you ready for the Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Food rule that will be finalized March 31, 2016? This webinar will make sure your company is in compliance with the Food Safety Modernization Act provisions and address any looming questions and concerns. 

Presenter Jonathan Stringer will provide guidance and insight on managing the effects on carriers and other impacted parties. He will also briefly discuss cargo claims, ways to limit liability and defenses, along with bad contract provisions to watch out for.


  • Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) provisions 
  • Proposed rules for the Sanitary Transportation of Human and Animal Food (STHAF)
  • Cargo Claims Refresher: What law applies and why it matters 
  • Tips to limit motor carrier liability 

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